Sunday, April 27, 2014

Not so busy Sunday

Today we weren't so busy but we were tired! Olivia woke up at 6:40 a.m. though! But she went back into her bed.  After being in bed quiet for a few minutes she started reading books.  It was the cutest thing to listen too on the monitor.  She was reading her one book, "Z is for Moose" which is an alphabet book and then the moose gets upset because he wants to be on the M page but they pick a mouse was funny to hear her make the sad sounds that I make when the moose gets sad in the book!  So cute though!

I went to lunch with some friends and Olivia and daddy went to the store, had lunch, and played some baseball!

Then after rest time we had some sprinkler fun....and then it rained during dinner =(


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