Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Lamby and 1st Trip to the dentist

Olivia decided today was Lamby's birthday.  We had a birthday party for her this morning with the cupcakes that her friend Kenny gave her.  We had all of Lamby's friends over! What a fun time!

Then this morning we took Olivia to the dentist for the first time.  She did great!! The hygienist showed Olivia all the tools she would use.  Then they cleaned her teeth.  They had me lay her down and put her head in the hygienist's lap and I held her arms.  The cleaning was quick and we had just a few tears towards the end but overall she did great.  Then the dentist came in and looked at her teeth too.  Olivia cried just a little bit towards the end of that part but she was happy when she got a balloon and a new toothbrush! They didn't do any x-rays today since Olivia doesn't have all her teeth.  I thought a few weeks ago when she was pretty fussy that the 2 year molars were coming in... I guess not! She said not to be concerned unless she turns 4 and doesn't have them.  But I was proud of her during the visit!

Balloon from the dentist


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