Saturday, April 20, 2013

That's Funny

Olivia is starting to think things are funny...and she will let you know.  She will say, "That's funny!"  She tooted and said, "That's funny!" She was a funny girl today and we had a great day. 

Being funny!

She woke up super early...Brendon and I were both really tired today.  So she came in our bed and watched some PBS while we snoozed some more.  She was also REALLY hungry today.  She ate anything I gave her today.  Banana, toast, (she asked for syrup to dip her toast in...whatever- she ate all of it), peanut butter sandwich, apples, veggie straws, some cookies, 2 snacks, and most of her dinner.  She even tried cheeseburger and dipped it in mustard and she tried some pieces of pickle! I am glad she ate a lot tomorrow she probably won't eat much at all!

Brendon is going turkey hunting tomorrow...we are hoping he gets a turkey!!


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