Still humbled of the running stores in the Atlanta area was having a mile of silence today at 7:00 a.m. We don't live close enough to one of them for me to make it there before work and then get to work on time. A coworker suggested to meet at 7:00 a.m. on the track at school for a mile. I was a bit late but I got my one mile in. Boy did it clear my head. There was no music, no talking, just the 3 of us on the track at different speeds and directions having our mile of silence.
I know that I probably will never qualify for Boston, win a race, or be faster than lightning...but I do know this...I own my Nikes and they can take me anywhere. I can run toward fears and I can also choose to run away from them. We make choices in our life everyday and my choice today was to keep running...and not let this damper the one thing that I do love to do.
And someone is a future athlete too... |
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