Saturday, January 12, 2013

Record Breaking Weather

Today it was a whopping 76 degrees!! Wahoo....we loved it! This morning I went with some friends to pick up my race packet at the Hot Chocolate race expo.  Fun times and always lots of laughs.

Then came home and ate lunch and then off to go fishing! We went to Tribble Mill but caught no fish.  But Olivia did much better with the fishing pole.  She wanted to hold it and turn the handle.  She also was interested in the bobber.  She was sad that we didn't catch any fish.  The the Barbie fishing pole malfunctioned...Brendon is hoping to repair it.  We went to the playground after fishing and played on the playground.  We went on the swings and Olivia went down some of the slides.  There was a ton of kids playing at the park.  I think everyone enjoyed the warm weather today.

Olivia did better at dinner tonight.  She at squash (it was really zucchini but we were calling it squishy squash).  We had some venison for dinner and she ate it up! She kept saying, "More Deer!!!!"

Brendon also taught Olivia her full name including her last name.  When prompted she will say it.  He is also working on our street name...she has 2 parts of the 3 parts of it.  Such a smarty pants!

Playing on the slide before fishing
Where's the fish?


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