I was greeted by the cutest little person today saying, "Bombie!" Olivia was all stuffed up today so mommy sounded like bombie! She has no fever...and it is clear mucous...little bit of cough not much though. She has some dry spots on her face from us wiping her nose...looks pretty bad though. She is getting a few molars in so that may be the culprit...we hope. But she was happy and playing. While I ate lunch she told me about about going to Kroger with daddy and that they went shopping. Then she told me about the bump...not sure what that was...either a speed bump or the little bumps when you exit Kroger. She took a decent nap and I could hear her snoring through the monitor. Poor thing! I gave her some Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner and she loved it! She did great with the spoon... a real natural. She even dipped her crackers in the broth and ate them. This helped get some congestion out too. After dinner it was pretty warm so we went outside since we have been cooped up inside most of the week with the chilly wind. We then came in and folded laundry. Olivia decided to dust after laundry and she dusted her crib! Then we took our bath. After her bath she ran ahead of me and was running so fast the dresser shook and the camera fell down and hit her in the face...not very happy...for either of us. I am hoping she doesn't wake up with a black eye or anything. But scary none the least for both of us. I feel like I can't even blink sometimes I am afraid something will happen!
Dusting her bed |
Yucky nose and dry spots =( |
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