What a beautiful day today!! It was so warm we went outside after lunch. I had to actually change Olivia from pants to shorts. We played outside and visited with our neighbors. Olivia was a bit fussy when she went down for her nap this afternoon. She kept crying but she eventually fell asleep. She was still a bit stuffed up but better today and the cough wasn't too bad. Plus we thought we saw several teeth including some on the bottoms when she opened up today but we aren't sure since she wouldn't open her mouth again!
I went for a run and it was a pretty warm run...warmer then it has been the past few weeks. Then I came home and we watched the Georgia game. Olivia actually got to watch most of the game. She said touchdown, cheerleader, Coach Richt, and Uga. She was such a good sports fan!
Olivia is really used to me being home at night which really makes the weekends different for her since Brendon is home. He gave her her bath tonight and that went fine. It was after that it went downhill. Brendon really wanted to read her a special book tonight called Conner's big hunt. It is about a boy hunting with his dad. For the past two weeks Olivia has been obsessed with the book Goodnight Moon. So he started reading and then she just got up and got Goodnight Moon and held it up to me and said, "Read!!!!!" I felt bad for Brendon and I know she didn't mean to hurt his feelings but I know it did. I think she is so used to our nightly routine that if it changes she gets upset. I think Goodnight Moon may have to disappear for a bit to break this habit. I about have the book memorized at this point too!!
High 5 daddy! Touchdown! |
Sharing snack with daddy! |
Goodnight Moon |
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