Sunday, October 28, 2012

Corn Dawgs and Pumpkins

We were very tired from all the fun yesterday.  Olivia slept until almost 8:30 =) She was talking up a storm in her room and playing in her crib.  After breakfast and reading the newspaper we decided to take Olivia to Corn Dawgs since we had not gone this year.  Last year we went there and went to the pumpkin patch and walked around.  Since Olivia is bigger this year we paid admission so we could do some of the other stuff.  It was a bit chilly...the wind was ferocious!

We first went to the pumpkin patch.  Olivia liked looking at all the pumpkins.  The ground was very uneven and she fell a few times but didn't cry.  There were some big pumpkins left!

Then we went to the big jumpy pillow.  I was super mom and took Olivia on it.  She liked it a lot and was laughing and watching the other kids.

Next we went on the hayride.  First Olivia said, "Choo Choo!" and I told her it was a tractor and then she said tractor.  She did really great on the hayride.  She kept looking for deer!

After the hayride we checked out some animals.  There were ponies, bunnies, chickens, and a horse.  She liked the pony a lot.  Then we went to see the bunnies and chickens.  Brendon was brave and picked up a chicken and Olivia gave it a kiss.  We then checked out the horse.  I think she was surprised how big the horse was.  It did ney for us too!

Then we sat in the airplane.  I am still trying to figure out the airplane...kind of random to be at a farm/corn maze. 

We did the kiddie area next and played on lots of the equipment.  They even had a mini zip line.  Olivia was good for one time and that was it.  She said, "All Done!" When I got her to the other side. 

We finished the afternoon with Brendon taking her down the big slide.

Later on in the evening we carved our pumpkins.  Olivia was pretty good.  For her pumpkin we used the face set my mom got us.  Then carved our pumpkins.  She said words like gross, ewww, and pumpkin.  I carved mine like an owl and Brendon did a spooky house.  Fun times!

Goodnight pumpkin!


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