Sunday, September 23, 2012

Coffee time!

This morning we made it to church.  Olivia did pretty well.  She snacked for awhile and then read some books.  She loved to step on and off the kneeler.  She clapped at the end which was so funny!

Then we came home and she snacked some more.  Olivia was a snack-aholic today!  She couldn't get enough.  Her new favorite snack is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  She first called it crackers- they are square...but I taught her how to saw crunch so she now goes to the pantry door and says crunch! Hilarious.

After her nap we played outside for a bit...she wanted to swing.  This girl loves to swing! Then we had dinner.  The funniest part was that after dinner Brendon sometimes has a cup of coffee.  Well she saw her pretend tea cup and climbed on the chair with her Lamby and was pretending to have coffee after dinner.  It was hilarious! She even got a book and was looking at the book with her coffee!

Coffee time =)


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