Monday, September 24, 2012

18 Month Appointment

Today was Olivia's 18 month old doctor's appointment.  The time got switched to 10:45 a.m. so Malissa and I worked out that she would come in early today and I would stay later tomorrow so I could go to the appointment.  That is one of the benefits of job sharing that you can actually share!

I got there right on time and Brendon started filling out the lengthy paperwork.  The 18 month old checklist is a developmental checklist to see if children are developing.  There were a few items we weren't sure on.  One of them was if you drop a Cheerio in a clear bottle would your child turn it over to get it out.  Well we have never done that I guess we need to try that skill.  She does dump stuff out.  Olivia was really good for the nurse and she asked us lots of questions too.  She asked us about sleeping, eating, diapers, and just overall questions.

Then we had to wait...and wait...and wait for our doctor.  I think some times it is a test of parenting skills.  Let's put parents and their little ones in a 5ft by 5ft room for a long period of time to see how they deal with your child.  Well here is what we did.  Olivia emptied the books out of the basket twice.  We looked at a few of the books.  The one book she didn't like the cover so she kept saying, "Ewwww!" Then we ate some snacks.  Did endless up and down off the table, to the chair, to daddy's lap, to mommy's lap.  We looked out the window at the cars going by.  We opened and closed the blinds a gazillion times.  We even did a little singing. 

Finally the doctor came in.  Olivia did great! Our doctor checked her all out- ears, nose, throat, heartbeat and all was fine.  I told her about my concern with her toes pointing in and she checked her hips and said it was with her hips and it should correct itself because it is very common but to keep a watch on it.  She said an orthopedist can't really do anything about it anyways.  The doctor checked her mouth and took a peek at the teeth.  I told her my concern about the lack of teeth and she said the left molars looked pretty swollen so they may be coming in soon...HA! I won't wait on that any time soon!  She said hopefully by 2 they will all be in... I am not counting on it. She passed her checkup with flying colors.  Then she got 2 shots which were the worst 30 seconds of crying...she turns bright red...scary red but was fine by the time we got to the car. 

So here are her stats:
Weight- 21 pounds and 9 oz (25-50th percentile) she gained 1 pound from 15 months!
Height- 31 3/4 of an inch (50-75th percentile) she grew 1/2 inch from 15 months!
Head Circumference- 47 1/4 cm (75-90th percentile) her head got bigger by a 1/2 of a cm!

Doctor said she looks good and will be pretty petite! So overall she is average weight and height with a big head!

As usual the scale shot! She did not cry this time!!
Getting ready to sit on the table!


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