Tuesday, August 21, 2012

17 Months Old

I told Olivia today that she was 17 months old and her response was, "Wowie!" I guess she thought that was exciting!

Here are some new and fun things about Olivia:

She is growing way to fast.  At dinner tonight I noticed that her feet now touch the foot rest on her high chair.  I still remember when we first put her in the high chair and her feet were a good 4 inches from it! She looked so little in the high chair but now she is so big!

Olivia is still wearing 12 month clothes but everything is becoming a bit snug.  I have a feeling we will be washing some 18 month stuff soon that will last us through fall and winter. 

Olivia is doing better with the fork and spoon.  She can even say spoon.  Yogurt, pureed fruits, and pudding she loves to spoon herself.  We are still doing pureed fruit but she will eat bananas, grapes, watermelon, and pieces of apple which is a major improvement.  Olivia still loves her veggies.  Instead of giving her milk right away when she is eating we wait since she will drink all the milk and not want to eat.  She will now say, "Milk!" when she is ready for milk.  She is also doing a lot of biting of things- crackers, animal crackers, breads, and sandwiches.

Today I got her to walk down the stairs holding just one of my hands.  She did step-step down each one.  She is still using hands and legs/knees when she goes up the stairs.

This girl loves some shoes! Olivia loves the Stride Rite commercial and  now says,"Shoes!" when it comes on.  So cute...but this could be trouble in the future.  She is sometimes able to take off her shoes and knows where her shoes are located and will get them out.

Olivia can take off her socks and help with taking off her shorts and shirts. 

Olivia knows lots of animals now- dog, cat, cow, horse, duck, owl (her favorite), deer, elk (daddy taught her that one), fish, bird.

Olivia loves to dance.  I admit she looks like Elaine from Seinfeld when she dances though!

We are working on jumping! We just need her to get some air...she has the right motion.

She knows the color yellow!

Olivia knows the following body parts- eyes, ears, nose, teeth, tongue, tummy, belly button, toes, knees, elbow, and back. 

This girl loves a game of peek a boo! Now she thinks it is sooo funny when we pretend we can't find her! She loves stuffed animals now- well at least her lamby, bunny, and Olivia the pig doll.

We almost have her name down- comes out livia... but we are close! Thanks to her Olivia the pig doll!!

Olivia is getting interested in the potty.  She will say bye bye to the pee pee when we flush so potty training may be coming... I am not rushing it though.  I want her to be ready and it to be successful.  I ask her sometimes if she goes pee pee or poopy and sometimes she will answer correctly or sometimes I will ask her if she needs a diaper and she looks down and checks (kind of funny).  

The only thing I am still concerned about are her teeth! She still has 6! We have not gotten a new tooth since April! I see lots of bumps in her mouth where they are but none have decided they are ready yet.  I will bring this up at her 18 month appointment in September.

But we just love her sooo much! She is growing and changing so much every day.  We can't wait to see what she does this month!!

17 months old and loves to color
Reading Jake a book
Close up!


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