Sunday, April 1, 2012

We did the right thing

This morning we took Olivia to church for Palm Sunday.  They started the mass outside which was really nice.  We then sat in the church and then Olivia started talking.  I know that I can't control her talking and we did our best until we got to the reading of the Passion.  I knew then in order to respect the other people of the church that we should go to the crying room- there was no way she could sit quietly during the Passion.  The crying room if you don't know what it is, is a room in the back of the church where you can go if your child is crying etc. during the church service but still participate in the mass.  Well, when we walked in there it was full, so we squeezed into a pew that was facing the wrong way and turned around for the remainder of the service.  Olivia continued to talk and play and we tried to keep her quiet.  I saw the stares and glares from the other people in there and even one boy turned around and shushed us.  But as a parent we had every right to be in there!!!  The other people that were in there had older children who did not belong in there, which upset me because here we were doing what we were supposed to do by being in the crying room and I am feeling out of place because of the other people.  Thankfully at the end of the service the priest made the announcement that if you don't have a crying or loud child, then you should NOT be sitting in there.  I am not sure if he saw us or maybe word has gotten to him about it at other masses.  But thank you Father Jim for not making me feel guilty by being in there- we did the right thing and had every right to be there. 

After church we had breakfast, Olivia had a nap, and we did the usual reading of the Sunday paper.  After Olivia had lunch we took her outside to try out her sprinkler! It was 80 degrees today so it was perfect.  She was a little nervous at first but once she got used to it- she loved it! After she played in it, then she had a snack on the porch.  She was so stinkin cute! She sat in her little chair and ate her snack and drank her water.  She even tried a bite of Brendon's frozen lemonade and she like it.  Olivia then went for a nap and Brendon decided to open the pool while I was at Target.  So I guess it is time to swim!

Playing in my dress after church

Wahoo! mommy put the garden cart together!

Sprinkler time!

Chillin- eating my snack!

Yay! Mr. Graham came over!


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