I don't know even where to begin..well let me see...it started with a cough this morning. Olivia woke up with a little cough this morning. Just a regular cough- not a barking or mucousy cough. One good thing about today is this time change thing is that Olivia is sleeping until about 8:00 a.m. which is a bit of a bonus. We ate breakfast and Olivia ate real banana! The trick is to coat them with Cheerio crumbs to make it easier for her to pick them up. I called the doctor about 9:00 to see what they said about the runny nose and cough- they said unless the mucous turns yellow/green or the cough turns into a barking cough, she is ok or unless we think she has an ear infection. So the morning went well until nap time. There was lots of crying and fuss. Finally Brendon got her down about 10:45. We were supposed to go to Gymboree today but that didn't happen because Olivia just didn't want to eat lunch plus with the runny nose and cough I didn't want to spread it to any of the other babies. We finally got her to take some of her bottle and ate a little lunch- some toast and yogurt. She took a good afternoon nap and 4:45 bottle. While she was napping I looked at the Similac website and they said for 9-12 months they should have 3 bottles a day with about 7-8 oz. So I am thinking that maybe starting tomorrow we will skip that lunch bottle since it has been a hassle the past 2 days. I am not sure if it is the time change, the stuffy nose, or else she is ready to transition to 3 bottles. But even tonight she wasn't herself- she didn't want to eat her spaghetti and she cried after her bath which is not like her.
I know some days are better than others but this was one of those rough days. I question myself sometimes if I am doing the right thing and figuring out a baby is mind boggling sometimes. There is no instruction manual and everyone has different solutions. Being a mom isn't an easy job sometimes but I always have to look forward to tomorrow and to have a better day.
The only picture I got of her today! |
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