eat my fruits! Olivia is protesting her fruit and even tonight her dinner! The only fruit that she will eat is bananas - and you know what happens when you eat too many bananas! She will eat banana pieces but will not eat any other fruit. We have tried blueberries, apples, peaches, and pears. She did great with the purees and I thought for sure she would transition to real fruit with no problems. I talked to the doctor about it and she said to try mandarin oranges- tried that for lunch today- that was a no go and I even got some tears. So her other suggestion was to puree the fruit. I spent some time today pureeing some fruit! I hope she will eat it! Then she did not want to eat dinner tonight! She threw it all over the floor! I even had to put Jake in the crate because it was out of control. I resorted to giving her applesauce and she ate that. I know some days they eat like horses and other like birds- so today Olivia was a bird!
Here is the dinner disaster!
The floor.... |
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