Congratulations to whomever was the 10,000th person to view our website. Brendon and I think that is pretty amazing. Why? We never thought that anyone would actually care to read about our mundane life. We are just a plain old American family who like to share our life with our friends and family. Blogging has become an actual way for us to show you what our life is like, what our struggles and triumphs are, and sometimes a way to just express what is near and dear to our hearts. I know some of it is probably boring to most people and probably some people think we are bragging all the time. We try to make it interesting, funny. and appealing for you all. So I hope we are doing a good job of that. We love to show people what the world is like for new parents and hope that some of what we say and do is helpful to others. We know that we don't know everything and we always learn something new everyday. I know that my mom is probably one person that reads this blog daily- she even knows when to call here because she waits for the blog to be posted (sorry about the delays the past couple of days- we were watching movies). But having this blog helps her to be here everyday. She likes to see what we do everyday and sometimes what went wrong that day. So thank you mom to being such a dedicated reader of the blog. Also, Aunt Cheryl I know you are reading this too.... thank you too for reading this and Olivia can't get enough of that puppy!!! But we love having people view our blog and hope they continue to do so. We feel blessed that people like us and the blog.
Now here are some alternate uses for a high chair that Olivia discovered today...
#1- It is the perfect height to pull up on and rest my hands on the foot rest. |
#2- The seat belt part is very tasty to put in my mouth and chew on |
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