Sunday, August 21, 2011

5 Months Old

Mom says that now that I am 5 months I have to help with laundry...

Testing out the stroller today to see if I am big enough to use it without the car seat. I fit!

Yesterday I put Olivia on the scale and it said she weighed 15 pounds! Today it said she weighed 14.5 pounds.

After my oatmeal and sweet potatoes!

We can't believe that Olivia is 5 months old today!! She is growing so fast and changing so much. Each day we see something new and she learns something new!

Here are some things she can do at 5 months:

1. Sleep through the night. She has been doing this for about a month. Maybe once a week she gets up during the night.

2. Eating solids- well she finally has gotten the knack of cereal- rice and oatmeal. We think she likes the oatmeal better. She tried sweet potatoes so far and it is going good.

3. Rolling over. Olivia can roll over both left and right from her back to tummy. We are still working on from tummy to back.

4. Found her feet. She finally found her feet about 2 weeks ago and they are fascinating to her. Today she was also looking and touching her leg. It was funny.

5. Sit with support. We are really working on the sitting. She can sit with support and can sometimes sit on her infant pillow.

6. Loves to stand. This girl just loves to stand with support. We can hold her hands or her trunk and she will stand.

7. Playing by herself. She is finding her own entertainment. Whether it be in her bouncy seat, exersaucer, infant pillow, or play mat- she can play for about 20- 30 minutes without any fussing. Some days are better than others though. We are always VERY close by to watch her.

8. Finding her voice. Olivia is really finding her voice. Sometimes she sounds like a dragon and sometimes it is loud like singing. Today I would make a sound and then she would make a sound almost like echoing. We keep saying "Mama" and "Dada" to her hoping that one day it will come out.

9. Master of drooling and spit up. Olivia can drool better than Jake. She loves to put lots of things in her mouth and chew on them and drool. Spitting up is such a fun experience. I have learned not to wear any good clothes anymore- why bother- they just get spit up on them anyways. Burp cloths have become part of our fashion statements. Some days she hardly spits up and some days there is a lot.

10. Loves her mommy and daddy. It is such a delight to see a smiling face every day when she wakes up or notices you come home. She instantly calms when one of us pick her up and loves to play with us. She loves being sung to and read to by us.

Here you go Grandma... I finally built the toy box!! It is great! We love it!

See we already have some toys for it!


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