Today I got to go see my daddy in a bike race. Mommy really tried to get it all planned out so that we would either get to see daddy start the race or see him finish his first lap. We made it just in time to see him finish his first lap. He was so happy to see me!! He was all sweaty. Mommy hooked up my stroller with 2 fans since it was so hot. Everyone commented on my setup. I admit it was pretty sweet. I got to hang out with daddy's team- Cop a Feel and our friends team Team Meat. Team Meat is pretty sweet with their new spirit wear. I was a pretty good girl for not taking a nap and then I got all fussy after about an hour or so. Mommy knew I was tired plus I pooped...gross. Mommy hates when I poop in public! I can't help it...I am a baby.
So mommy brought me home and I napped. Then I ate, played, and napped again. Finally I ate again and mommy put me back in the car. Back to the bike race we went! I got to see my daddy get a medal- his team got 2nd place. I was so proud of him. He even let me touch the medal and get on his bicycle. He can't wait until I am on a team with him. It was a fun day. Mommy and daddy were so proud that I was so good in the stroller and with all the people looking at me!
After my daddy's first lap!
Family picture. I even wore I hat today!

Checking out one of Team Meat's bikes.

Checking out daddy's bike.
Eating daddy's medal. Good job daddy!
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