Gorgeous day today! Felt like summer...too bad it is supposed to be cold and rainy again. Olivia and daddy went fishing this morning. They had a great time. Olivia helped looked for worms and they caught one fish! We played outside after lunch and then after nap. Dinner went much better today...the past few days she just doesn't want to sit down...so we bust out the piece of the high chair that hooks to our chairs and I strapped her in...she actually kind of enjoyed sitting there! But she didn't complain once and ate her dinner. During her bath I discovered the first tick of the year...gross...hate ticks! It was behind her ear but in her hair line. She sat really still and I got it out and she didn't even cry. Those curls are so cute but looks like we are going to look close at her scalp a lot! Gross...I hate those darn ticks!
First chalk drawing of the year- boy what a difference a year makes- Olivia told me to draw a fox, moose, grass, a river, and our family! |
Worm! |
just fishin' with my daddy! |
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