Sunday, October 20, 2013

Church and Corn Dawgs

This morning Olivia slept until we woke her up at 7:40 a.m.! She must have woken up earlier and opened her door and then went back to bed.  When I went and woke her up her door was open but she was still in bed.  I asked her a million times who opened her door she said she did.  So we got ready for church and went to church.  Olivia was sooo good at church.  I realized how much of a big girl she is becoming when she walked instead of being carried when we got communion.  She really didn't want to be held at all at church.  She is quite content standing on the bumpy she calls the kneeler.

After lunch we put her down for a nap a little bit earlier and we are not sure if she napped at all.  She was very excited about going to the pumpkin patch today. She did fall asleep on the way there though...

But we met our friend Emily there and had lots of fun!

Hay bales with Duck Dynasty characters (The Corn Maze is in the shape of Si)
Pumpkin truck
Pumpkin coach just like Cinderella
Hay ride
baby chicks
Holding a bunny
The big box of corn
Look Pepa I am flying the plane!
My first ride!

Before the wild cow train ride!


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