It was a good and bad day all in one. Woke Olivia up for Susan's today and it was the 1st time she didn't pop right out of her bed. Right then I knew it was going to be a rough morning. She didn't want to eat her breakfast but then ended up eating a piece of toast on the way to Susan's house in the car. She literally shoved me out the door at Susan's! It does make me feel good to leave her there and Olivia being so happy when I leave. She also had NO accidents at Susan's...!! Then she fell asleep on the way home which made her crabby when we got home. Then we had the whole power struggle over the potty but then she pooped....I think that was the problem. Then napped and was crabby after her nap and didn't want to go to Kindermusik. I finally just put her in the car and by the time we got there she was fine. Then we ended up having a good night. She peed on the potty and even told me she needed to pee on the potty!! So that made the night good!!
Here is some artwork that Olivia has done...
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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