Olivia wanted to sweep today so she helped with some sweeping. Such a great helper she is. I hope she enjoys these chores when she is older. After worked today I stopped at the first consignment sale of the season. Really all I was looking for were shorts and some Braves and Georgia apparel. I didn't find much of either. I did find some shorts...I think the best deal for shorts are $2.00 and under. I found one UGA t-shirt and a Georgia polo type dress. I also got her a Little People airplane, some blocks, and some extra Little People. It was another rainy afternoon and Olivia took a good nap which helped me get some school work and make my valentines for school and for Olivia. Olivia ate almost ALL her dinner again. YAY! I love when she eats! Gotta fill that belly. We had a normal night and I caught her reading her books again...I am going to have to sneak the camera in there and get it on video. So cute! Here's to another rainy day tomorrow!
Sweeping! |
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