Thursday, October 25, 2012

Embarrassing Moments and More Crafts

We have had 2 embarrassing moments...well I should rephrase that I have had 2 embarrassing moments. 

First one- Olivia and I went to Target yesterday.  Which she totally loves.  When she sees the red Target symbol she says, "Circle!" and I taught her how to say Target.  We just walked into the store and I had her in the cart.  There was a sweet older couple who was walking down the same aisle.  The sweet man was pushing his wife in a wheel chair.  Well Olivia saw it and pointed and said, "Bicycle! Bicycle!" Oh embarrassing.  I tried to shush her and walked as quickly as I could and told her that it was not a bicycle and left it at that.  But what she saw was the wheels that looked like bicycle wheels which I could see how she came up with the connection to bicycle...but still embarrassing!

Second one- This is more me than anything.  Olivia LOVES to listen to her Kindermusik cd in the car.  Especially the one about clean up time and bath/bed time.  So we listened to it this morning...ALL the way to Susan's house.  I really wanted to listen to The Bert show and not her music.  But as any good mom would do...we listened to Olivia's music the whole 30 minutes.  I dropped her off and drove off to work.  Little did I know that I was singing along to Olivia's cd...for quite a bit.  Then it dawned on are singing along to your child's cd while they are NOT in the car.  I immediately turned on The Bert show!

Today we got more crafts! I love crafts!!We got two cute ones from Susan's house and Olivia got a cute pumpkim from Ms. Dana at Kindermusik.  Ms. Dana always makes the kids certificates and a scrapbook page at the end of the Kindermusik session.  Tonight was our last fall night BUT she is going to have 3 additional weeks of classes in November =)

Crafts from Susan! Olivia learned about triangles and rectangles.  Then she made a scary ghost from her hand print.
Ms. Dana's certificate, scrapbook page, and pumpkin with picture


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