It was a restless night of sleep. Olivia woke a few times during the night. I think she was a little scared and didn't know where she was. She slept until about 7:00 a.m. We got up and had breakfast- yummm...camping bacon and eggs. After breakfast we decided to hit the beach!
We got all ready to go and put Olivia in the wagon with all of our beach gear. We found a spot and set up our shade tent. Brendon played with Olivia in the sand for a bit and we tried to get her into the water. Today it scared her. I think because it messed with her balance- the water coming in and then out. So she didn't like it too much. I filled up her little pool we brought and she played in that. I even sat in it with her. She also ate a snack by the beach.
We then went back to the campsite for lunch. We had hot dogs. Olivia was an eating machine. She seemed overly hungry so we just kept feeding her! After lunch our plan was to have her nap. The temperature in the tent was 96 degrees. Way too hot for Olivia to sleep- even with 2 fans that we had. The flies were really bothering us while we ate so I decided that we needed to go for a car ride to get something for the flies. That did the trick and she slept in the nice cool a/c in the car. We rode around aimlessly for a bit just so she would nap. We drove down to the pier and decided to check out the nice and cool (a/c !!!) nature center. They have lots of different animals to see- fish, snakes, turtles, and a lizard. So she liked looking at the fish and then I showed her the owl (it was a stuffed owl) and she just loved that!
Then we came back and showered and ate dinner. After we ate dinner, Brendon wanted to fish at the pier so we went back down there. It was a little scary to let Olivia walk on it because the railings are really wide and she could slip and fall right in the water. So I tried to hold her while Brendon tried to catch some crabs. It was a horrible 30 minutes of trying to hold a wild monkey! Brendon didn't get any crabs though but there was a fish in his net!
Then we came back to the campsite and gave Olivia a bath in the bucket. She had some milk and then it only took an hour to get her to go to sleep. But she slept much better! She even slept through the thunderstorm we endured!
Breakfast Day 2- Scrambled eggs and bacon! |
Going to the beach! |
Playing with her sand toys |
At the Nature Center- turtle |
Fish |
Terrapin Turtle |
The Pier |
Bath in a bucket |
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