Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hunting Island Day #1

On Monday we left for our usual vacation spot of Hunting Island, South Carolina.  We weren't sure how it would go with Olivia, but we thought that we would at least try.  If we had to come early we knew we could.

We got the car all packed up and left about 9:50 a.m. It was literally packed to the ceiling.  Packing to go to the beach with a little one means lots of extra stuff!! The list is a mile long! I sat in the back with Olivia and had an array of things to help entertain her-books, animals, crayons and paper, and Kristy let us borrow her portable dvd player and we had Sesame Street episodes.  We had one little detour at the beginning of our trip but the rest of the ride was pretty smooth.  We stopped outside of Augusta at a Rest Stop and had lunch.  Then we were off! We made pretty good time and got to Hunting Island about 4:00.

We set up the tent and the rest of the camp site.  Then we had dinner.  After dinner we decided to take a walk down to the beach.  We weren't sure how Olivia would react since this was the first time she saw the ocean.  She loved it.  We took off her sandals and let her walk on the beach. It was low tide so there were a few tidal pools so she went and stuck her feet in some of them and splashed.

After the beach we gave her a bath in a bucket....literally.  I thought it would be better since she is afraid of the shower.  She loved the bucket.  Then we had some milk- thank goodness the camp store sold milk.

The worst part of the day was trying to get her to go to sleep.I knew it would be difficult but it took almost 2 hours.  I laid with her on the air mattress for awhile...a long while.  Then finally got her in the pack and play with her animals.  Then rubbed her belly and then she finally fell asleep.  Needless to say I was tired at that point too and went to bed!

All packed in!
First time on the beach
Playing in a tidal pool


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