Yesterday (Tuesday) we went to Gymboree since out usual class would be on the 4th and we would be celebrating the holiday. It was a lot of fun. Grandma couldn't believe how much fun I was having. After class we saw Nikki get her ears pierced and then we went on a hunt for some pigtail holders. The ones I have are too big to hold her hair so we needed small ones. We found them at Claires and tried them out. We decided to go out to dinner last night. It was another soon as we tried to put her in the high chair she started fussing. So then she sat on my lap for a bit and when her food came we tried to put her back in the go. So she sat on my lap and ate which was not fun because I ended up with mac and cheese all over me. I know that she is in a stage that she doesn't want to be confined and wants to explore. Hopefully it will improve. I ordered a travel booster seat today and we will see if that works....
Pigtails |
Trying to be entertained at Summits |
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