Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We have a woodchuck

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Well we will let you know since Olivia is a woodchuck and is gnawing on her crib! Brendon showed me the 2 sides of the crib and he said he could actually hear her gnawing.  So I looked online at crib rail covers- super expensive.  Then Duh!!! I used her bumper that doesn't get used! I will get a picture of it tomorrow but basically I folded it in half along the railing and tied it.  I had to use some extra stuff to tie it.  But for now that is working. This afternoon I wasn't feeling so hot- major headache and then Olivia topped it off by throwing up some of her carrots tonight.  Not sure why... but she seemed fine.  So needless to say it was an interesting afternoon and evening!

Barely hanging on with that elbow!


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