Sunday, January 29, 2012


We have a monkey...her name is Olivia.  We went to church this morning and it was literally like trying to control and contain a monkey.  She is not the biggest fan of being held in a sitting position for a long time.  She is am monkey and was crawling all over us at church.  Sometimes it is hard to contain- you are using your entire body to keep her in check.  I only had to step out one time though because she got a little rowdy.  We don't expect her to sit still the whole time we are there- she is a baby and can't help but be curious and want to look around.  We bring toys to entertain her but that only lasts so long.  As we were leaving church today the family that sat behind us made a comment to Brendon, "It only gets better as they get older. You are doing a great job!" At least we didn't get any negative comments!

Loves to look at the newspaper!

I'm coming with the paper!

What does this say?

Look at all the people in the picture!


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