Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nighttime Routine

I decided tonight to share Olivia's nighttime routine.  In all the baby preparation classes and books we read there was a constant reminder about having a bedtime/nighttime routine.  I started this very early on with Olivia- probably 5-6 weeks old.  We mainly stick to the same routine nightly and we have little to no problem getting her to bed.  At first it was awful- I was about to give up but like anything in order to get into a routine you need to keep practicing.  We always aim for a bedtime between 7:45ish- 8:15ish, she is lucky if it goes to 8:30.  So here it goes:

6:30ish (or after she eats her dinner of oatmeal and a veggie) we go up to her room to do what I can sing and swing.  I play nursery rhymes from a cd and Olivia swings in the swing.  Not sure what I will do once she is to heavy for the swing! I am sure she will miss it too! But this time also gives me time to put away laundry or pick out my clothes for school.

7:00 read a book.

7:10ish play in her room.  We have some toys in her room to play with- a farm, a light up book, a puzzle, a soft book, or anything else she decides to do.

7:25ish get to the bathroom- now that she is mobile she can crawl all the way to the bathroom.  She has gotten quite quick at it.  A few weeks ago it was taking 5+ minutes.  Tonight it took about 2.

7:30 bath, blow dry, pajamas.  Olivia still cries when we put on her pajamas EVERY night.  Why?? We have no idea.  I think that she knows that the day is over and it is time to go to bed.  But the past 2 nights I may her favorite noise of making raspberries and she didn't cry.  So maybe that will do the trick for awhile.

7:45ish Bedtime bottle.  She usually takes about 6-7oz before bed.  We are trying to get her to drink on her own- but that is a work in progress.

8:00ish- BED! Sometimes she talks and kicks herself to sleep.  Other times she is zonked right out!

8:15ish- me- exhausted.  I usually wash out her bottles and make 2 bottles for the next day.

8:30ish- set aside time to blog and read email.

9:00ish finish any school work or do the school work that didn't get done that afternoon.

And that is about it!

Sing and swing time!

Book time!

Playing with my toys!

I love opening and closing the door on the farm!

Gotta go OVER mommy's legs

Got to the bathroom!

bath time!

Bedtime bottle...trying on my own!

Goodnight mommy! I love you!!


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