Friday, August 12, 2011

It was a drooly kind of day

Today was full of drool and spit up. Fun times. It was also spent with fingers and lots of other toys being put in her mouth. Teething? Maybe we will see. She was quite fussy today for no reason. She didn't want to do many of her daily fun activities. Hopefully tomorrow she will be back to her normal self!

Trying to multitask- fingers, feet and Sophie (she is the giraffe- everyone knows about Sophie)

The only place she was happy today was in the swing and most of the day was spent with her hands in her mouth.

Also solved the bumper problem! Thank you to my friend Cathy who told me about Breathable Bumpers! That is what it looks like. It was ordered today!!!!!! And No that is not Olivia in that picture!


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