I am calling today an almost day. It first started with almost a full night of sleep for Olivia BUT we did put her to bed later than usual at 10:00 p.m. and she slept until 5:30 a.m. or so. Then while she was in her bouncy seat today she kept trying to pull herself up to almost sit. Then while doing that she almost found her feet. Then while she was on her mat staring at the lights she almost rolled over- she started to roll on her side. As I turned to get the camera she rolled back on to her back. So that is why today is an almost day. It was almost too much to handle all of these things happening today!! I am not sure if it was the rockstar onesie that did it but it just might have been!
Almost sitting up in my bouncy seat.

Look mom no hands!!

What are those things??

After the attempted roll over.

Come on do it again!!
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