Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day with Daddy and TIRED

Yesterday Brendon had daddy-daughter day.  I worked all day, ran home for dinner, dressed Olivia for dance class, went back to school for Curriculum Night, and then zoomed home right in time for bedtime.  I was so tired I was delirious...needless to say I think I fell asleep at 10 pm.  Woke up today and was just flat out tired...we all were at school.  It was just a long day yesterday and lots of testing today which makes the day long and my feet are sore! I just couldn't wait to get Olivia today and spend some time with her.  I still am having so much guilt for working full time especially seeing the fun pictures from yesterday.  Right now I feel I am thinly spread out on a sandwich which is the wife, me, mom, and teacher sandwich.  I don't feel I am doing good at any of these jobs at the brain is working overtime and I know I am not doing a good job listening because my brain is thinking about 7 million other things at the same time....I hope it gets easier because at the end of the school day today I was tired and weary...and I had some tears at dinner because I was just so tired and Jake was being bad...tomorrow is a new day...


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