Monday, August 11, 2014

Allergy Appointment

We had Olivia's annual allergy appointment today.  I was probably more nervous than her.  For the past year we have watched her diet and avoided ALL tree nut products due to her positive allergy test last year to pistachios.  Pistachios and cashews are closely related so we had to make sure to avoid those and anything with tree nuts.  She has been off her Zyrtec for a week and had some minor breakouts...we think mostly heat related.  But today's skin test showed no allergic reaction to pistachios or any tree nuts- but lots of screaming and crying with it.  Then we had a blood test done to see if they match.  If they are both negative we are in the clear but will probably still have to monitor her but if we get a positive on the blood test we will have to bring her back for a food challenge.  We literally have to feed her foods that she is allergic to in the doctor's office.  I REALLY don't want to do that...that scares me and I am not sure she would even eat the foods! But I feel a bit better today about it because being an allergy parent is hard and you are constantly on guard and can't let your guard down about food.  But we will see...this will be one long week of waiting for results!


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