Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pooping Problems read that right...we have a pooping problem...well Olivia does.  Ever since we started her potty training last year pooping has been an issue.  She never had any problems before potty training.  We have thought she was scared for the longest time and tried several remedies- Miralax, increasing fiber, probiotics, suppository (last resort)...but nothing is really helping.  I am pretty sure she has it...I won't explain is is even gross that I am writing about it, but we have been dealing with her trying to go since Friday.  So tomorrow I am calling the pediatrician...I am just out of trying things that are not working.  I am hoping we get an appointment (Mondays are ALWAYS busy) to get this figured out.  It is painful to watch her struggle and so frustrating for us as parents...Olivia and I both shed tears about this over this past weekend.  I am ready for it to be over....


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