Had a bad night last night. Olivia was pretty restless most of the early evening and then she woke up and refused to go back to sleep. I made the mistake awhile back of sleeping on the floor to help contain her in the toddler bed and now she won't go to bed unless I lay on the "ladybug" pillow. Well even after comforting her for ever she just wouldn't sleep. I tried to let her cry and scream it out. Then she wet her pants, then she threw up a little bit (she said that she did catch up). finally I took her in the spare bedroom bed and went to bed. She slept until 7:15...we were all very tired today. Hopefully it was a one night deal...but so frustrating and I know part of it is my fault for laying on that stupid ladybug pillow which is now hidden away.
Then she had a few hives again this morning. She has had them off and on since 4th of July. We will be visiting the allergist in a few weeks to see what is causing all of this. We know that she is allergic to penicillin but she has not had that since her reaction so not sure what the deal is.
Even though we were up most of the night she only napped for 1.5 hours and we went on a trip to Target and went swimming this afternoon. Olivia is just like her daddy- even though it is 90 degrees outside, she wanted soup for dinner. Which is fine and easy for me!
All was forgiven this morning when she drew this picture and said, "That's you mommy!" Love her so much! |
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