Today I woke up nice and early. Daddy was great and woke up with me and let mommy sleep in a little bit. Then I took a nap, woke up, ate and then we went to church. We had to do the 2nd part of the baptism class today. Mommy and daddy thought I would sleep through the class since it was my nap time...NOT! I took about a 30 minute nap there and the other time I stayed awake. I think I am one of those babies that is going to move around a lot because I don't like to stay still in a room. I like to be up and walking around and looking at everything. I was in such a good mood today even though I didn't poop. I am sure I will get revenge on them tomorrow with poopy pants.

P.S. Mommy and daddy said I have to go to the doctor tomorrow for my 4 month checkup! They can't wait to see how big I am!
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