Today mommy and I ventured out to Gymboree! I had no idea where we were going since I fell asleep in the car. I woke up when we got to the mall and mommy loaded me in the stroller. We went to a place called Gymboree. Mommy got a free class for us to try out. She thinks I am getting big enough to go out and meet other babies! I cried a little when we got there because I had no idea what was going on. Then I got out of the stroller and mommy laid me down on the parachute but I was on my blankey. They started singing songs and all sorts of fun stuff. I cried off and on during the class. I think because I was out of my comfort zone. The best part of the whole class was the bubbles. They blew bubbles just for me to welcome me and then everyone got bubbles! I really liked that part. Mommy says we are going to go back again. Hopefully this time I won't cry. But I was able to calm down and enjoy some of the class! Mommy also liked the teacher Ms. Liz. She found out that Ms. Liz is a parent at her school. What a small world! We can't wait to go back to see Ms. Liz and sing songs again!
Welcome sign in front of Gymboree! Had to get a picture of that!

After the class...still a little teary eyed but ok!

In the stroller loaded up to go home!

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