Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August Catch Up

Breathe. Exhale. August is over.  Still doing lots of school work is an understatement. 

Olivia is settling in at school with the exception of a few warnings- she threw a toy, cried at lunch- she didn't want to eat her hamburger, and moved her snack clip off her shirt (TWICE). But she has had lots of fun.  She loves having a job.  She knows when she has a job because there is a pattern for her job, no job, job...she was excited to feed Brownie the guinea pig this week and tomorrow she gets to tell the weather. She is learning LOTS- lots of things with letters and sounds and rhymes.  What rhymes with dinosaur or flamingo?? I have no clue! They worked on making family trees at school.  Even though our tree has a few is beautiful!

At home she drew this beautiful picture on her write and wipe drawing mat.

Kind of hard to see but she drew a picture of us and wrote our names!

The best are the videos...she can't wait to be a cowgirl for Halloween and bless my heart I am going to try to make her costume. =)

Then we have been reading lots of sight word books.  Here is her reading the book after a partial read with me =)


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