Friday, March 7, 2014

Shopping and Basketball Game

Olivia and daddy did their usual shopping trip today and got their groceries.  Meal times still took forever today!! Not sure if it is the molar coming in or the runny nose she has.  She is favoring her left side when chewing so I know it has to be sore on the right side.  But she had a good nap and we had pancakes for dinner.  Then we went to my school's Relay for Life basketball game.  Olivia helped selling snacks.  She did a good job until she had an accident and peed her pants! Grrr....thankfully I put ONE spare set of clothes in my purse since Brendon left the diaper bag in his truck.  Then she was fine.  She was very excited about the game.  It was a little loud in there so we didn't stay too long but she had fun! Then we had a late bed time...I am pretty tired too!


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