This weekend we took a road trip to Florida.
Friday- VERY long ride and Olivia would NOT go to the bathroom! It was so frustrating that she wouldn't go. We finally got her to go at Steak and Shake when we had dinner. She fell asleep right before we got to Bren's parents place and then she was a little crabby when we got there.
Saturday- It was chilly! We ate breakfast, opened Christmas presents, and then went to the waterfront in Tavares. There was some speedboat races and we got to see the train. Then we had lunch and came home and Olivia had time to fish before her rest. She caught one fish! Then we took a rest and then went for a walk on the boardwalk and stopped at Uncle Larry and Aunt Stephanie's house to visit. Then we had dinner and played.
Sunday- We went to church and then came home and ate. Then we went to visit Aunt Kara! Olivia and Keller had fun playing! Then we came back and had dinner with family. Olivia had lots of fun playing balloons with Aunt Stephanie and Grandma.
Monday- Drive home. We were all pretty tired last night from all the fun!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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