Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Not feeling the best

I am not feeling the best today.  I didn't sleep very well last night.  So today I am really tired and jsut don't feel that well.  My left side area where the Ectopic was is sore today...not sure if it is a phantom pain or just things trying to get back to normal.  I am sure that I am fine though...but going to bed VERY soon.

Olivia and I tried a new mommy and me dance class tonight.  Same results...she practices all her dance moves at home and then in class doesn't want to do anything..! I even tried bribery (I mean positive reinforcement) with stickers.  I told the dance teacher not to give her a sticker until she did some of the moves...but I wanted to teacher her a lesson...don't do the don't get a sticker either! So she did some of the moves...eventually....


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