Melissa feels so blessed to work with such an amazing group of people. She landed in such a great place after being displaced and works with the best grade level and just loves her school. Today her grade level threw her a shower at school. They did such a fabulous job and we are so thankful for their hard work. We are so thankful for all the wonderful presents we received. Here are some pictures from today!
Olivia's first toys!

This was not from the school shower- but from Melissa's stepsister Kara! Thank you Kara!!

2 Really Cute duck outfits!

The Boppy!! Thank you 4th grade!!

Activity mat for tummy time and playing.

The awesome bath basket from my grade level! Thank you 5th grade!

My grade level- the BEST!

Melissa at the shower.

Olivia's initials.

The super, yummy, cookie cake!
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